Animal cell culture
In vitro efficacy and functionality tests
Immunoassay development
Following his post-doctoral internship, Yvan Boutin spent over a year as Research Director for a small biotech SME in the Quebec City area. He then began his teaching career at Cégep de Lévis, in the Department of Biology and Biotechnology. He was one of TransBIOTech's very first research professors. Since then, he has continued to carry out applied research projects in support of innovation within life sciences companies. He is also a regular research member of Université Laval's Institut en Nutrition et Aliments Fonctionnels.
Postdoctoral fellowship - Immunobiology (Yale University - Connecticut)
Ph.D. - Microbiology-Immunology (Université Laval)
M.Sc. - Microbiology-Immunology (Université Laval)
B.Sc. - Microbiology (Université de Sherbrooke)
Todescini, S; Perrault, V.; Goulet, C.;Bouchard, M.; Dubé, P., Boutin, Y, and Bazinet,L. (2022) Impacts of pH and base substitution during dearator treatments of herring milt hydrolysate on the odorous content and the antioxidant activity. Foods 11:1829-1851.
Soltani, S; Zirah, S; Rebuffat, S; Couture, F; Boutin, Y; Biron E; Subirade, M, and Fliss, I. (2022) Gastrointestinal stability and cytotoxicity of bacteriocins from Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria: A comparative in vitro study. Frontiers Microbiol 12:1-13.
Renaud, V; Faucher, M; Perreault, V; Serre, E; Dubé P; Boutin, Y; and Bazinet, L. (2020) Evolution of cranberry juice compounds during in vitro digestion and identification of the organic acids responsible for the disruption of the in vitro cell barrier integrity. J Food Sci Tech 57:2329-42.
Blais, M; Pouliot, Y.; Gauthier, S.; Boutin, Y. and Lessard, M. (2014). A gene expression program induced by bovine colostrums whey promotes growth and wound healing process in intestinal epithelial cells. J. Nutr. Sci. 3:1-10.
Caillard, R., Boutin,Y., and Subirade, M. (2011). Characterization of succinylated β-lactoglobulin and its application as the excipient in novel delayed release tablets. Int Dairy J. 21:27-33
Jacquot, A.; Gauthier, S.; Drouin, R. and Boutin, Y (2010) Proliferative effects of synthetic peptides from β-lactoglobulin and α-lactalbumin on murinesplenocytes. Int Dairy J. 20:514-521.
Diouf PN ; Stevanovic T and Boutin Y (2009) The effect of extraction process on polyphenol content, triterpenecomposition and bioactivity of yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis Britton)extracts. Industr Crops and Products.30:297-303
Delcenserie V; Martel D; Lamoureux M; Amiot J; Boutin, Y and Roy D. (2008) Immunomodulatory effects of probiotic in the intestinaltract. Curr Issues Mol Biol 10: 37-54
Saint-Sauveur, D; Gauthier SF; Boutin, Y and Montoni A. (2008). Immunomodulating properties of a wheyprotein isolate, its enzymatic digest and peptide fractions. Int Dairy J18:260-270
Pacheco-Sánchez M, Boutin Y, Angers P, Gosselin A and Tweddell R (2007) Inhibitory effect of CDP, a polysaccharide extracted from the mushroom Collybiadryophila, on nitric oxide synthase expression and nitric oxide production in macrophages Eur J Pharmacology 555:61-66
Moroni O; Kheadr E; Boutin Y; Lacroix Cand Fliss I. (2006) Inactivation of adhesion and invasion of food-borne Listeria monocytogenes by bacteriocin-producing Bifidobacterium strains of human origins. Appl Environ Microbiol 72: 6894-6901.
Amrouche T, Boutin Y, Moroni O, Kheadr E andFliss I. (2006) Production and characterization of anti-bifidobacteria monoclonal antibodies and their application in the development of aninnunoculture detection method. J Micro Methods 65:159-170
Pacheco-Sanchez M, Boutin Y, Angers, Gosselin A and Tweddell R . (2006) A bioactive (1,3), (1,4)-b-D-glucan from Collybia dryophila and other mushrooms. Mycologia 98:180-185.
Leitenberg D, Boutin Y, Lu, D. and Bottomly K.(1999) Biochemical association of CD45 with the T cell receptor: regulation byCD45 isoforms and during T cell activation. Immunity10: 701-711.
Leitenberg D, Boutin Y, Constant S and Bottomly K. (1998) Requirement of CD4 recruitment to control cytokine modulation by altered-peptide ligand in naive T cells. J.Immunol. 161:1194-1203.
Tkaczy KC,Viguier M, Boutin Y, Frandji P,David B, Hébert J and Mécheri S. (1998) Specific antigen targeting to surface IgE and IgG on murine bone narrow derived mast cells enhances efficiency of antigen presentation. Immunology.94:318-324
Boutin Y, Leitenberg D, Tao X and Bottomly K.(1997) Distinct biochemical signals characterize agonist- and altered peptideligand-induced differentiation of naive CD4+ T cells into Th1 and Th2 subsets. J. Immunol.159: 5802-5809.
Boutin Y and Hébert J. (1995) Suppression of immune response to Lol p I by administration of idiotype. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 95:751-758.
Boutin Y, Brunet C, Gagnon R and Hébert J. (1994) Role of cytokines in allergic diseases. Prac.Allergy Immunol. 9:23-27.
Boutin Y and Hébert J. (1994) Modulation of immuneresponse to Lol p I by pretreatment with monoclonal anti-idiotypic antibody isnot restricted to idiotypic expression. Clin.Exp. Immunol. 96:350-355.
Boutin Y, Hébert J, Vrancken ER and Mourad W. (1988) Allergenicity and cross-reactivity of cat and dog allergenic extracts. Clin. Allergy. 18, 287-293.