Phase contrast optics + green & red fluorescence
Up to 6 culture plates at the same time
6 to 384 wells
Versatile and powerful
IncuCyte® S3 is an image analysis system for real-time monitoring of cell health and viability. It enables the study of various cell functions such as morphology, apoptosis and migration. It can automatically quantify confluence of cells in culture, determine transfection efficiency and study expression of reporter genes.
Real-time analysis
We analyze your cells for days or weeks while they remain in the stable environment of the cell culture incubator. IncuCyte® provides accessible, information-rich analysis, whether you simply want to improve experimental results with better culture quality control, or study a complex cell-cell interaction such as immune cell killing.
Don't limit your data to a few points in time. Continuous analysis ensures that you don't miss a thing.